Sabtu, 30 April 2011


My adventure of my life and this life is a movie best ...... never waste a thing of your life,,,, use is today, tomorrow, and so become the best throughout your life,,,,,,,,,,, remember life is only temporary,,,, the events that occurred in life is a farce,,,,,, why? because in this world we as humans only carry out the role of Allah swt. to be the best role in the theatrical world,,,,,,, we must obey and obedience to Allah swt. run it and stay away from his ban,,,, multiply our acts of worship as Muslims are the ,,,,,, we find the money to buy a ticket to heaven god,,,, essentially all we do with MONEY (Prayer, Business, Faith, Takwa) continue to strive to be the best role of god for god to occupy such a beautiful paradise amiinnn yes rob,,,,, and "be the best of the best toward a better for the best"

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